Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fictional towns

My novels are mostly set in fictional towns. I just like to let my imagination break out of the box and dare it to soar. "When" I get published, I don't want to get attacked for not getting some part of a city/town/village right.

Here's a pictorial map I created for one of the towns (more like a village really) in Chocolate Aftertaste, the novel I'm currently working on. It's not perfect, but it helps me picture the setting better and I had lots of fun. It took me ages (you have no idea) to create, and I have to admit that I'm proud of my first map:
Liz Davis 2010


  1. Yep yep...every tiny pic of it. My back was killing me when I was finally done..

  2. This is really neat, Liz! :)

    I love drawing out maps of my settings. Yours looks quite a bit better than mine! :D

  3. What program did you use to create this? It's great!

  4. Thanks guys. I spent days searching online for map creation programs...unsuccessfully. So, I used what I have--PowerPoint.

  5. Your map is pretty cool. I dunno if I could do what you've done, but visuals do help lots in the creative process.

    I much prefer using fictional settings. It gives me a lot of freedom. Some readers go get their knickers twisted if the setting isn't exactly as they know it in a real town.

  6. Exactly, J.L. Campbell. As I was writing Chocolate Aftertaste I used real town at first but later in the process I just wanted to be free. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Oh my goodness! I love your picture! Usually I just sketch out a town and have squares for buildings that are labeled with what they are. LOL But actual photos would be really helpful or cool!
