As you can see, I received another award--The Fair Dinkum (good buddy) Award. Thanks so much Carol for nominating me and for seeing me as your blog buddy.
The rules state that I have to write some new things about myself and then pass on the award.
Now, something new about me that you didn't know:
1. In school, I used to be very sporty and won a lot of medals and awards--running (100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m), netball, long jump, high jump (my favorite). Today, I'm allergic to any type of sport or exercise. I should change that--one day.
2. In our living room, I always sit on the same spot on the couch--when I don't, it doesn't feel right.
3. I eat too much salt--I should change that too...maybe tomorrow, maybe next year.
4. I have too many reminders on my phone. It's a pain having to get through them--finger on the snooze button--every time I want to make a call.
5. Before I traveled and had a chance to see the world, my life started in a refugee camp in Angola.I lived in the camp until the age of eight. Although my life wasn't a bed of roses in the beginning, if I had a chance to change something, I wouldn't. My experiences made me the person I am today. Starting at a low point, doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Enough about me. Here are my nominees:
1. Mysti Parker from Unwritten
2. Elena Solodow from You're Write. Except when you're Rong.
3. Zella Kate from Zella Kate
4. Stacy Post from A Writer's Point of View
5. Caroline Starr Rose from Caroline by line
Congrats blog buddies. Over to you.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Mindy and Body
I just got back from work and am exhausted. I can hardly sit up straight. Until yesterday, I used to have a very flexible job, where I could sleep in--I love my sleep. Now I have a 9 to 5 (or later).
My body is still adjusting to the new hours. I wanted to get at least, at least 500 words done tonight before I go to bed, but I don't know if I can.
"You can," says the mind.
"I can't," says the body.
"You can," says the mind.
"I'll show you who's boss if you don't leave me alone."
"Come on girl, where's the spirit? Just a few tiny words."
"Easy for you to say, all you do is sit around. I do all the manual labor around here."
"Without me you can do nothing," the mind said. "If I wanted to, I could force your hands on that keyboard."
"You can try," says Body.
"I can, but I won't. If we want Chocolate Aftertaste to be the best it can be, we have to work together as a team. Come on, friends?"
"Friends--hey, wait a minute," says body, laughing, "if I can write this right now, I can manage 500 words. You were right Mind-y."
"I'm always right Body."
"Fine, I'm off then. I have some words to suck out of my thumb."
This was just silly me trying to get to get myself motivated to write. It worked.
My body is still adjusting to the new hours. I wanted to get at least, at least 500 words done tonight before I go to bed, but I don't know if I can.
"You can," says the mind.
"I can't," says the body.
"You can," says the mind.
"I'll show you who's boss if you don't leave me alone."
"Come on girl, where's the spirit? Just a few tiny words."
"Easy for you to say, all you do is sit around. I do all the manual labor around here."
"Without me you can do nothing," the mind said. "If I wanted to, I could force your hands on that keyboard."
"You can try," says Body.
"I can, but I won't. If we want Chocolate Aftertaste to be the best it can be, we have to work together as a team. Come on, friends?"
"Friends--hey, wait a minute," says body, laughing, "if I can write this right now, I can manage 500 words. You were right Mind-y."
"I'm always right Body."
"Fine, I'm off then. I have some words to suck out of my thumb."
This was just silly me trying to get to get myself motivated to write. It worked.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Awards awards...I'd like to thank my followers for making this possible...
I would like to thank M.J.A. Ware for making my day by nominating me for my first award! In order for me to accept the award, I have to:
1. I'm married for six months now to a wonderful man who understands the crazy, beautiful mind of a writer.
2. I'm a Namibian citizen, born in Angola, lived four years in South Africa, seven years in Germany, have been living in Austria for four years now.
3. My favorite fruit has always been the cherry, until I went on honeymoon to Greece and met the best tasting watermelons. Needless to say, I'm sold. Now I have two kinds of favorite fruits.
4. I hold a bachelors degree in International Business Consultancy
5. I have around 5 to 6 unedited manuscripts lying around because I hate hate hate editing and would rather start a new novel than do it.
6. I started this blog because my editor told me it would be a good idea to promote my writing. I didn't know it would contribute so much to my personal growth too,and that I would meet such a great community of writers (A big thanks goes to my followers)
7. I speak Oshiwambo (mother tongue--it's okay, you don't have to try and pronounce it), English, German, and some Spanish. Before the next ten years are up, I want to learn sign language and Chinese.
Well, that's me in a nutshell.
And here are my 15 nominees for the Versatile blogger award. Please pass by and say hello:
1. Alexia from: The life and literary pursuits
2. Natalie Murphy from: The sound of rain
3. A. J. Larrieu from: Two coasts
4. Bel from: Itsy Bitsy Monkey
5. J.L. Campbell from: The Character Depot
6. Mina Ademovic: Emina's Ramblings
7.Ryan Sullivan: The Dark Corner of the Mind
8. MJ from: Creatively Spilt Ink
9. Liana Brooks from: Liana Brooks
10. Anna Claire from: A Novel Idea
11. Deb Markanton from: Diving into a writer's life
12. Peggy Bechko from: Peggy Bechko
13. Julia Hones from: My writing life
14. Cristina from: Once upon a time
15. Bethany from: Owl review a book
Okay, so I arrived at my blog today and found I have won yet another award. The Stylish blogger award is so lovely, I love the bling. Thanks Carrie for nominating me.
As I did for the Versatile blogger award, I have to nominate this time 10 of my newly discovered blogs.
The rules are:
1. Akoss from: FantasyPen
2. Aimee L Salter from: Seeking the write life.
3. June Bourgo from: Aspirations of a novelist
4. June from: Podding along nicely
5. Chandara from: Chandara Writes
6. Tabitha Olson: Tabitha Olson
7. The ladies from: The YA Lit Six
8. Amanda Kurka from: Truth, justice, & other stuff
9. LadyJai from: Snippets from my mind
10. Penny Rader from: Perfectly Penny
To the nominees: Congratulations and keep doing the good job of keeping us entertained.
To my visitors: Thank you for checking up on Novel Moments. I look forward to your next visit.
- Thanks the person who gave you the award and link to them
- Add the award to your blog
- Nominate 15 other people to give the award to.
- Let your nominees know you have awarded them.
1. I'm married for six months now to a wonderful man who understands the crazy, beautiful mind of a writer.
2. I'm a Namibian citizen, born in Angola, lived four years in South Africa, seven years in Germany, have been living in Austria for four years now.
3. My favorite fruit has always been the cherry, until I went on honeymoon to Greece and met the best tasting watermelons. Needless to say, I'm sold. Now I have two kinds of favorite fruits.
4. I hold a bachelors degree in International Business Consultancy
5. I have around 5 to 6 unedited manuscripts lying around because I hate hate hate editing and would rather start a new novel than do it.
6. I started this blog because my editor told me it would be a good idea to promote my writing. I didn't know it would contribute so much to my personal growth too,and that I would meet such a great community of writers (A big thanks goes to my followers)
7. I speak Oshiwambo (mother tongue--it's okay, you don't have to try and pronounce it), English, German, and some Spanish. Before the next ten years are up, I want to learn sign language and Chinese.
Well, that's me in a nutshell.
And here are my 15 nominees for the Versatile blogger award. Please pass by and say hello:
1. Alexia from: The life and literary pursuits
2. Natalie Murphy from: The sound of rain
3. A. J. Larrieu from: Two coasts
4. Bel from: Itsy Bitsy Monkey
5. J.L. Campbell from: The Character Depot
6. Mina Ademovic: Emina's Ramblings
7.Ryan Sullivan: The Dark Corner of the Mind
8. MJ from: Creatively Spilt Ink
9. Liana Brooks from: Liana Brooks
10. Anna Claire from: A Novel Idea
11. Deb Markanton from: Diving into a writer's life
12. Peggy Bechko from: Peggy Bechko
13. Julia Hones from: My writing life
14. Cristina from: Once upon a time
15. Bethany from: Owl review a book
Okay, so I arrived at my blog today and found I have won yet another award. The Stylish blogger award is so lovely, I love the bling. Thanks Carrie for nominating me.
As I did for the Versatile blogger award, I have to nominate this time 10 of my newly discovered blogs.
The rules are:
- Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
- Share 7 things about yourself
- Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers
- Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
1. Akoss from: FantasyPen
2. Aimee L Salter from: Seeking the write life.
3. June Bourgo from: Aspirations of a novelist
4. June from: Podding along nicely
5. Chandara from: Chandara Writes
6. Tabitha Olson: Tabitha Olson
7. The ladies from: The YA Lit Six
8. Amanda Kurka from: Truth, justice, & other stuff
9. LadyJai from: Snippets from my mind
10. Penny Rader from: Perfectly Penny
To the nominees: Congratulations and keep doing the good job of keeping us entertained.
To my visitors: Thank you for checking up on Novel Moments. I look forward to your next visit.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Illegal digital downloads: It could happen to you
I just thought I'd share this article that Aimee L Salter posted on her blog:Seeking the Write Life. It's a sad reality. One of those things we hope won't happen to us and then, could, might.
Here's the link, I hope it doesn't happen to you.
Seeking the Write Life: Enemy #1 to a Successful Publishing Career
Here's the link, I hope it doesn't happen to you.
Seeking the Write Life: Enemy #1 to a Successful Publishing Career
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Header renovation
I finally customized my boring header and I'm happy with the new one. Most of the blogs I visited had such lovely headers and mine was...well,just a header, nothing special. Thing is, this blog has come to be my second home and when I sign in, I want to have a coffee or tea--don't drink none of them--and sit back on the couch with my laptop. Again, for this header, PowerPoint came to the rescue.
I just have to say something more. I love this blog and I love my followers. I never thought it would so much fun to have a blog. I always look forward to your comments. Thank you for your support, thank you for commenting, thank you for following. Now, you know where the kitchen is, get yourselves a coffee/tea too and join me on the couch so we can write those bestsellers...and admire my header:-)
I just have to say something more. I love this blog and I love my followers. I never thought it would so much fun to have a blog. I always look forward to your comments. Thank you for your support, thank you for commenting, thank you for following. Now, you know where the kitchen is, get yourselves a coffee/tea too and join me on the couch so we can write those bestsellers...and admire my header:-)
Monday, January 10, 2011
The days I feel like destroying the world I've created
Yesterday I skimmed through my synopsis draft. When I got to the end, I realized I was not happy with it--the ending (the synopsis too, but that's a story for another day). That was all it took for me to question the novel I spent almost two years working on, the novel I thought was one of my best. Now, there I was, thinking it was my worst. my husband did everything to remind me I'm a great writer. Well, he is my husband, my biggest fan. What else would he say?
I think the only person that can really motivate a writer, is him or herself. People can only encourage us so much. They can tell us everything we want to hear, but in the end, it's up to us to believe it. Most of the time I'm very good at motivating and encouraging myself, but sometimes, it's just so hard. Yesterday was one of those days.
My husband diligently listed all the reasons he thought I'm a great writer, I nodded--equally diligently--but my mind was far away. In the end, after thirty minutes of nodding and staring into space, I dragged myself off the couch and went to cook dinner. I was still not quite present, it's a wonder I didn't burn dinner. Later, after a hot shower I got it. The wrong man got the girl. I love both of the male characters that are after Nora, my protagonist, but there can only be one Mr. Right. I had given her the wrong one and I couldn't get a moment of peace until I did the right thing. If she's not happy, I'm not happy.
So, that was it really. The rain stopped, the sun broke out from behind the dark clouds, and once again, I was the best writer in my world.
What do you do when you reach your low point(s)?
I think the only person that can really motivate a writer, is him or herself. People can only encourage us so much. They can tell us everything we want to hear, but in the end, it's up to us to believe it. Most of the time I'm very good at motivating and encouraging myself, but sometimes, it's just so hard. Yesterday was one of those days.
My husband diligently listed all the reasons he thought I'm a great writer, I nodded--equally diligently--but my mind was far away. In the end, after thirty minutes of nodding and staring into space, I dragged myself off the couch and went to cook dinner. I was still not quite present, it's a wonder I didn't burn dinner. Later, after a hot shower I got it. The wrong man got the girl. I love both of the male characters that are after Nora, my protagonist, but there can only be one Mr. Right. I had given her the wrong one and I couldn't get a moment of peace until I did the right thing. If she's not happy, I'm not happy.
The blockage has been removed and the fountain of my imagination is flowing freely again. |
What do you do when you reach your low point(s)?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The dreaded query letter
I'm one of those writers who dread the query letter (and synopsis), and the more information I read on it, the more frightening it seems.
But at some point every writer is going to have to face her/his worst fear. Two days ago I finally posted a draft on CC. Although I thought it wasn't so bad, after reading the critiques from my respected fellow CCers, I realized just how terrible it was. This morning, I got up early and did a rewrite. The comments/critiques I received had really opened my eyes and helped me create an improved second draft.
I just posted it again on CC for it to be ripped apart and I'm excited. Every critique--even when it hurts--is a chance to improve and a step closer to a sizzling query letter. I love Critique Circle.
But at some point every writer is going to have to face her/his worst fear. Two days ago I finally posted a draft on CC. Although I thought it wasn't so bad, after reading the critiques from my respected fellow CCers, I realized just how terrible it was. This morning, I got up early and did a rewrite. The comments/critiques I received had really opened my eyes and helped me create an improved second draft.
I just posted it again on CC for it to be ripped apart and I'm excited. Every critique--even when it hurts--is a chance to improve and a step closer to a sizzling query letter. I love Critique Circle.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Fictional towns
My novels are mostly set in fictional towns. I just like to let my imagination break out of the box and dare it to soar. "When" I get published, I don't want to get attacked for not getting some part of a city/town/village right.
Here's a pictorial map I created for one of the towns (more like a village really) in Chocolate Aftertaste, the novel I'm currently working on. It's not perfect, but it helps me picture the setting better and I had lots of fun. It took me ages (you have no idea) to create, and I have to admit that I'm proud of my first map:
Here's a pictorial map I created for one of the towns (more like a village really) in Chocolate Aftertaste, the novel I'm currently working on. It's not perfect, but it helps me picture the setting better and I had lots of fun. It took me ages (you have no idea) to create, and I have to admit that I'm proud of my first map:
![]() |
Liz Davis 2010 |
Monday, January 3, 2011
Get back to work
I should really stop blogging and tweeting and get back to my novel. I have a lot of editing to do--getting my main characters to fall in love (gradually).
I've finally figured out how to break the hand of Tom, the male character. A loose kitchen shelf falls on it, fracturing a few bones. Since he's a writer, that's a disaster. That's all I'm going to say for now. I really should get going.
I've finally figured out how to break the hand of Tom, the male character. A loose kitchen shelf falls on it, fracturing a few bones. Since he's a writer, that's a disaster. That's all I'm going to say for now. I really should get going.
Moments of thanks
Life is filled with many opportunities to be grateful. "Not for me," you might say. "Liz, you have no idea how much I went through this morning."
I know there's a lot to complain about. But I believe there's more to be thankful for. Really.
When things go wrong, it's easy to lose sight of what had gone right. Search your life for moments of happiness, the big moments that blew your mind but also those little moments that had fallen through the cracks along the way. Search until you find them. Only then, will you be able to appreciate each day, each step, each breath.
If you really can't find anything, be grateful for being able to read this post, because someone, somewhere would give anything to be able to see, to be able to read.
I know there's a lot to complain about. But I believe there's more to be thankful for. Really.
When things go wrong, it's easy to lose sight of what had gone right. Search your life for moments of happiness, the big moments that blew your mind but also those little moments that had fallen through the cracks along the way. Search until you find them. Only then, will you be able to appreciate each day, each step, each breath.
If you really can't find anything, be grateful for being able to read this post, because someone, somewhere would give anything to be able to see, to be able to read.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
A chance to start over
I'd like to welcome everyone into the new year. May the year bring you all that you wish for yourself--the best.
I'm always amazed at how fast a year speeds by. Just when I'm getting used to writing 2010, a new year starts. I'm not complaining. Apart from adding a year to my age, it's a chance to start a new chapter and correct mistakes I may have made last year. I see this year as a blank slate in this phase of my life. I'm going to travel through it as if it were impossible to fail. On this journey, I'm going to go through my suitcase of choices and pick those that don't leave a bitter aftertaste in my mouth.
I'm always amazed at how fast a year speeds by. Just when I'm getting used to writing 2010, a new year starts. I'm not complaining. Apart from adding a year to my age, it's a chance to start a new chapter and correct mistakes I may have made last year. I see this year as a blank slate in this phase of my life. I'm going to travel through it as if it were impossible to fail. On this journey, I'm going to go through my suitcase of choices and pick those that don't leave a bitter aftertaste in my mouth.
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