Thursday, July 26, 2012
Author Liz Grace Davis: Finding Happiness
Author Liz Grace Davis: Finding Happiness: Everyone wants to be happy. I do. You do too, I'm sure. But often it feels as if the more we want to be happy, the more happiness distance...
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
New Blog: Please Follow
Author Liz Grace Davis: Changes: After two years of having one blog, Novel Moments , which featured both moments in my life and also the works of other authors, I've decided to create a new blog...
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Home Fires Blog Tour: Interview & Giveaway
Today I would like to introduce you to Jana
Richards, author of Home Fires. She
has come to tell us more about herself and her novel. Welcome to Novel Moments,
us a bit about yourself.
live on the Canadian prairies and I’ve loved reading romance novels for many
years. I like most sub-genres of romance, but I’ve got a soft spot for reading
and writing romantic suspense and romantic comedy. But then again, I like
historical and contemporaries! I enjoy characters with a quick wit and a sense
of humor. Unless they’re in the middle of a war and not feeling particularly
witty. Then I want characters with a take charge attitude. “Home Fires” is my 8th
publication. You can check out my books at my website at
What keeps you writing?
desire to tell the stories that rattle around in my brain! I also want to grow
as a writer, to write in areas I’ve never written in before and to get better
with each book. The desire to write books that connect with people is a huge
motivation that keeps me going.
Can you tell us a little more about your novel?
Home Fires is about Anne Wakefield, a young British woman who
travels to Canada after the end of World War Two to marry her fiancé, a
handsome Canadian pilot she met in London. But when she arrives at his hometown
on the Canadian Prairies, she discovers he’s married someone else! She thinks her
only course of action is to return to England. Her ex-fiance’s mother has another
idea – marry her other son. Erik Gustafson was badly wounded and scarred during
the war, and doesn’t believe a beautiful woman like Anne would want him. But Anne
sees past his scars to the man beneath, and falls in love. Erik, however, can’t
get over the fact that she was engaged to his brother. Is he merely her second
choice? It will take all Anne’s courage to convince Erik that she loves him
best, and forever.
What inspired you to write this novel?
I’ve been fascinated with the human stories of World
War Two for a long time, and in the stories of War Brides in particular. Some
48,000 women (mostly British but some from France, Belgium, The Netherlands and
Germany) married Canadian servicemen and came to Canada after the war. Most of
these unions were remarkably successful and long lasting, even though the
couples met under the stressful times of the war, and in a lot of cases didn’t
know each other for very long before they married. Some of the marriages, like
Anne’s, were over before they really began. However the marriages turned out,
I’ve always been amazed at the courage and determination of these women to
leave everything they’ve known to marry the men they loved.
How did you come up with the title?
It comes from a World War One song “Keep the home
fires burning”, also known as “Till the Boys come Home”. The song encourages
those remaining on the home front to stay strong, so that their loved ones have
a home to come back to when war is over.
How long did it take you to research and write the
I’ve been thinking about this story for a long time,
but I think it took me about six or seven months from the time I began
researching and writing until it contracted for publication.
Is there a certain message you would like readers to
get out of this novel?
I guess I’d like people to be aware of the
tremendous sacrifices and courage of the World War Two generation. Young men
barely out of their teens fought and died to protect their homes and families.
Even if they survived the war, many were left with scars, both external and
internal. Even those left at home didn’t escape the carnage. Many lost fathers,
brothers, husbands, sons. Lives were changed all over the world.
Do you experience writer’s block? How do you deal
with it?
There are times when I’m not sure which direction a
story should take, or what a character should do. That usually means I don’t
know my characters and my story well enough. I need to take a step back to
really connect with my character. Maybe I need to ‘interview’ him to find out
what he really wants. When I get to the point when I really know my character,
it’s much easier to figure out what they would do in any given situation.
Are you a full time writer? If not, how do you make
time to write?
I work part-time at a day job, so I also work
part-time at writing. I write on days off and on weekends, and some evening. My
favorite thing is to set aside a chunk of time, possibly a weekend or longer,
and go away somewhere so I can devote the entire time to writing. These
retreats are a lot of fun and are very productive, but unfortunately they don’t
happen often enough.
What does your
daily writing schedule look like?
It depends on the day. On days that I’m home, I’ll
walk the dog first thing in the morning and then sit down at my computer for a
couple of hours. After lunch I’ll go at it again until around four o’clock. By
that time, I’m usually mentally exhausted and desperately in need of some
What does your
marketing schedule look like?
I’m afraid my marketing
schedule is a bit chaotic and not totally organized. When I’ve got a new book
coming out, I put things into high gear with blog tours like the one I’m
currently on now. In between books, I blog at my own site, I
do a little posting on Facebook,
participate at events at review sites, and do a little guest blogging. I know
there’s still a lot more I could be doing, like Goodreads and Twitter. Someday
I hope to move into those areas as well.
Which avenues
do you use to market your books?
Most of my marketing is
on the Internet and since I like blogging, most of my efforts are focused in
that direction.
What books can
we expect from you in the future?
I am currently working on
a series of light hearted romantic comedies I call “Left at the Altar’. Each
book begins with someone being dumped at their wedding. But it usually turns
out to be the best thing that could happen to them. With any luck this series
will find a home!
What was your best ever moment as a published author?
Probably when my editor Jude Glad from Uncial Press accepted my first novel for
publication, “Her Best Man”. While I was working on edits on this novel, she
told me I was a ‘real’ writer because I took the time to really improve the
story, something real writers do. I’ve never forgotten that and it remains my
best moment as a writer so far.
Do you have a
message for your readers?
I’m having a special promotion
between July 4 and July 18. If you buy a copy of “Home Fires” or any of my
other titles, you will receive a PDF copy of my romantic comedy “Rescue Me” as
a bonus gift. All you have to do is email me at with the
receipt number of your purchase and I’ll send you the book. It’s just that
simple! You can find a listing of my titles at
To read a blurb and excerpt from “Rescue
Me” please click
And if you’re interested
in the $25 Amazon gift certificate that I’m giving away at the end of this blog
tour, please leave a comment or a question for me. I’d love to talk to you! I’ll
be randomly choosing the winner of the GC from all comments received on the
tour. Please go to
for a complete schedule. To receive bonus entries for the GC, like me on Facebook,
follow my blog at or sign up for my newsletter and then email me at to let me
know. Winner of the gift certificate will be notified by July 15 and their name
will be printed on my Contests page. Thanks so much for your support!
Thank you so much for telling us a little more about you and your
novel. I appreciate it.
by Jana Richards
Anne Wakefield travels halfway around
the world for love. But when she arrives in Canada from England at the end of
World War Two, she discovers the handsome Canadian pilot she’d fallen in love
with has married someone else. Heartbroken, she prepares to return to London,
though she has nothing left there to return to. Her former fiancé’s mother
makes a suggestion: marriage to her other son.
Badly wounded and scarred during the
war, Erik Gustafson thinks he’s a poor substitute for his brother. Although he
loves Anne almost from the first time he sees her, he cannot believe she would
ever be able to love him as he is – especially as he might be after another
operation on his bad leg. Anne sees the
beauty of his heart.The cold
prairie winter may test her courage, but can she prove to Erik that her love
for him is real?
She whirled around to glare
at him, her eyes blazing. “No! I’m not a child! I don’t have to be
molly-coddled and baby-sat. I spent six years in a war zone, hiding in bomb
shelters, never having enough to eat. I worked in a hospital treating blitz
victims with wounds so horrendous grown men would gag to look at them. I faced
those horrors every day. Sometimes things were so bad I thought I couldn’t go
on. But I did. Because I had to. And I’ll face things here too. So don’t tell me
to give up because I won’t!”
Erik pushed himself out of
his chair to face her, awed by her spirit and courage. She lifted her chin as
if defying him to contradict her, her hands clenched at her sides. Her dark
hair curled in wild abandon as it dried, framing her pale oval face like a
halo. Her beauty and ferocity were magnificent.
“I think you’re the
strongest woman I know.”
Her eyes widened in
surprise, her hands unclenching. He caught the quiver of her chin as she fought
to hold back tears.
He opened his arms and she
stepped into them, wrapping her arms around his waist and clinging to him. He
held her tightly, inhaling the sweet, clean scent of her, never wanting to let
her go.
“Don’t cry. Everything’s all
right now.”
She lifted her head to look
into his face, her dark eyes shiny with tears, her lips slightly parted. Erik
stared at her mouth, wanting desperately to kiss her, to capture her sweetness.
He slowly lowered his mouth to hers. To his surprise, she didn’t run off, or
turn away in revulsion. He was so close her breath mingled with his, her
breathing swallow and erratic. His heart slammed against his chest, his body
thrumming with need. For the first time in over three years, he felt alive.

not writing up a storm, working at her day job as an Office Administrator, or
dealing with ever present mountains of laundry, Jana can be found on the local
golf course pursuing her newest hobby.
Jana lives in Western Canada with her
husband Warren, and a highly spoiled Pug/Terrier cross named Lou. You can reach
her through her website at
Jana will award a $25 Amazon GC to
one randomly drawn commenter during the tour.
Please follow the tour and comment;
the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be
found here:
Friday, July 6, 2012
My Good News, Cover Reveals, And Angels
When was the last time you took a moment to appreciate all the wonderful things around you and to be grateful?
For me, it was a few minutes ago after berating myself about not having done enough of the things I wanted to accomplish this week. Three of those tasks were related to writing. I wanted to write at least 2,000 words toward the sequel to Tangi's Teardrops (yes, I've decided to do it because so many people are asking for one). I only wrote 900. I wanted to editing at least 50 pages of Honeysuckle and Jasmine, my next novel to be published in Autumn. I edited only 30. I wanted to design at least two sample covers. I only managed to design one.But that okay. To make myself feel better I listed the things I did accomplish not only this week but in the past months.
I published two novels within six months
I'm done writing Honeysuckle & Jasmine and just need to edit
I taught myself how to design covers
I'm almost done with my masters studies
Looking at it from that angle, I've accomplished a lot.
This post is just to remind myself to take a moment to be thankful and to relax and enjoy the lovely summer. You know what I love most about summer? Cherries and Watermelon. I just can't get enough.
Now for updates from my life. On Monday Sherry Gloag told you a bit about her "week in an author's life". Today, since I haven't updated you on my writing life for a while, I'll tell you what has been happening.
Firstly, on the 21st of June the only english bookstore (Shakespeare & Co.) in Vienna hosted a book reading/signing event for me. It was amazing. Everything about it. That night I really felt like an author. I sold over thirty books and the bookstore bought some to put on the shelves (a huge milestone).
A woman from a public library in Vienna also attended the book reading and bought copies for the library. She also recently finished reading Tangi's Teardrops and she loved it so much she offered to translate it for me into German (no cost). I was incredibly touched. I still am. I think my German is good enough but I wouldn't dare translate my novels myself.
Okay, let's move on to the photos. Click to enlarge.
Now that we're done with the book reading let's move on. A few weeks ago I designed the cover of my next novel, Honeysuckle and Jasmine (women's fiction). I've been meaning to show you but I just didn't get to it. Here it is below. What do you think? I'll still tweak it a bit before it's final. I'll post the blurb soon.
Lastly, two days ago I designed another sample cover and I just love it. I feel so refreshed just looking at it.
I think it's a nice cooling way to end today's post. Don't you think? To see more of my cover design samples or to hire me click HERE.
I wish you all a lovely day. Don't forget to pause, to appreciate life, and to be thankful for where you are right now.
For me, it was a few minutes ago after berating myself about not having done enough of the things I wanted to accomplish this week. Three of those tasks were related to writing. I wanted to write at least 2,000 words toward the sequel to Tangi's Teardrops (yes, I've decided to do it because so many people are asking for one). I only wrote 900. I wanted to editing at least 50 pages of Honeysuckle and Jasmine, my next novel to be published in Autumn. I edited only 30. I wanted to design at least two sample covers. I only managed to design one.But that okay. To make myself feel better I listed the things I did accomplish not only this week but in the past months.
I published two novels within six months
I'm done writing Honeysuckle & Jasmine and just need to edit
I taught myself how to design covers
I'm almost done with my masters studies
Looking at it from that angle, I've accomplished a lot.
This post is just to remind myself to take a moment to be thankful and to relax and enjoy the lovely summer. You know what I love most about summer? Cherries and Watermelon. I just can't get enough.
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Copyright (c) <a href=''>123RF Stock Photos</a> |
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Copyright (c) <a href=''>123RF Stock Photos</a> |
Now for updates from my life. On Monday Sherry Gloag told you a bit about her "week in an author's life". Today, since I haven't updated you on my writing life for a while, I'll tell you what has been happening.
Firstly, on the 21st of June the only english bookstore (Shakespeare & Co.) in Vienna hosted a book reading/signing event for me. It was amazing. Everything about it. That night I really felt like an author. I sold over thirty books and the bookstore bought some to put on the shelves (a huge milestone).
A woman from a public library in Vienna also attended the book reading and bought copies for the library. She also recently finished reading Tangi's Teardrops and she loved it so much she offered to translate it for me into German (no cost). I was incredibly touched. I still am. I think my German is good enough but I wouldn't dare translate my novels myself.
Okay, let's move on to the photos. Click to enlarge.
Showing off which of my books they bought:-) |
My novels for sale in the store (ignore the glass left over from the celebration:-) |
Lastly, two days ago I designed another sample cover and I just love it. I feel so refreshed just looking at it.
I think it's a nice cooling way to end today's post. Don't you think? To see more of my cover design samples or to hire me click HERE.
I wish you all a lovely day. Don't forget to pause, to appreciate life, and to be thankful for where you are right now.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Sherry Gloag: A Week In An Author's Life
I would like to introduce to you, Sherry
the author of The Gasquet Princes Series. I love
reading about authors’ typical days and so I asked Sherry to tell us about her
typical week. Welcome, Sherry, and thank you for being here today.
thank you for inviting me to guest on your blog today.
love to be able to tell you I’m some kind of wonder-woman who can do ten
thousand things at once and all of them perfectly. Nice dream; or perhaps nightmare. Think of trying to main such high standards
ad-infinitum? Urgh!
what’s the reality? Nothing like the dream, that’s for sure. J
My average day starts with my wonderful DH
bringing me a cup of tea in bed. For
some it is coffee, for me it’s tea. I can’t start the day without a cup of tea.
I have a ‘Tinkerbell’ fairy to do my housework for me? Absolutely not! So I try to get that out of the way before I
sit at the computer. Otherwise the
housework would not get a look in.
days of chasing kids out the door in time for the school bus are past, but
somehow, and I have not discovered how, yet, the time I should gain from that
always seems to disappear. When I do get to the PC, I prefer a PC to a laptop,
although I do have one, fortunately, as a backup in times of crashes and the
like. I mean, if I didn’t, last summer I
would have been in such big trouble when my PC went AWOL, and the
–euphemistically named repair company took more than nine weeks to ensure the
machine never worked again! I mean, this
may not be a typical part of a writer’s life, thankfully, but it happens, and
it proves a writer must keep regular backups of their work. On that occasion I lost 24 hours worth of
work because the machine crashed just before the daily scheduled backup took
thing I occasionally do is to email my work to myself. If, as in this case I had to start over with
a new machine some of that 24 hours worth of work was still available to me.
Emails. I love getting emails, especially from
readers and friends. Since I first began
dipping mu toe in the online writing world I have met some fabulous writer
friends. People who are so generous with
their time, their advice and help and support.
both my own and commitments for others generally comes next. Since I tend to forget about time (I mean
where has this year gone so far, already?
There’s only twenty days left until the longest day of the year!) I
can’t say I spend ‘x’ amount of time on the PC dealing with all the different
online commitments. Slowly, very slowly
I’m getting my head round FB and the likes and still working out how to
remember there are others things to do!
ranks up there with housework, but my craftwork and hobbies are always calling
for my attention, and like writing I find my craftwork very therapeutic. In fact, given I get so wrapped up in the
emotions of my characters, my crystal work is far more therapeutic, as is my
gardening! And with a hosepipe ban in
place right now that adds to the work load of keeping the garden watered.
is not my forte, which is why I never make New Year’s resolutions. I make
lists. Thankfully, I’m not yet at the
stage where I make lists of lists.
do stop for meals, when I remember, or when DH reminds me he/we both need to
usually spend the evenings on my writing, writing.
for many, this routine may seem tepid at best and monotonous at worst, I kinda
enjoy it after the rat-race of running our own business for near two decades. I
no longer have those endless commitments and daily schedules to customers and
business contacts. Also I am becoming
mildly agoraphobic, so I have to take time out to try ensure that does not take
over my life. Yes writing means commitment and schedules, but I can set my own,
change them to suit me and my family and expand them when required.
can’t claim to be an organised sort of person, so tweaking my routine from
day-to-day, week-to-week, is not a problem for me. There are days I’ll spend several hours on my
WIP, work in progress, and on occasions I may go a couple of days writing
little or nothing at all.
suppose some would accuse me of living life vicariously through my characters,
and in a small part they may be right, I do become totally wrapped up in them
when the writing is flowing, and woe betide the idiot who interrupts. :-) During these times family and friends have
come to accept they are not at the top of my personal pecking order. But
equally there are times when I make them my priority and set my writing aside
for them.
read for pleasure and reviewing. Since
becoming a published author my reading perspective has changed. I’m more analytical, which is both good and
bad. I learn so much more than I used to
when I simply read for pleasure, and it is harder to simply read for pleasure
anymore because the analytical mind jumps right in there when I come across a
flawed piece of editing or a sentence that once upon a time I’d have ‘read
over’, and can’t do so now.
there occasions when I wish I was some kind of wonder woman who could sparkle
at everything I tackled? Of course there
are. Especially when I’m trying to work
out how to do something, and having absolutely no success at all! But then I try
to remember that quote Attributed to Jerome
Eugene Morrow, a character from the movie Gattaca (1997). “If at first you
don't succeed try, try, try again?”
Since I heard it as a child it must go back a whole lot further than
that, but I can’t remember the source :-)

“From Now Until Forever”:
Prince Liam, families meant bad news, unwanted commitments, and the loss of his
personal freedom. Love spawned white
picket fences, slippers at the hearth with a wife and kids making demands, so
why did those images disappear when he met Melanie Babcot?
Babcot fought hard to escape the horrors of her youth and vowed to remain
single and free, so when paid to protect Prince Liam from insurgents why did
her personal pledge fly out the window?
“His Chosen Bride”:
Prince Henri Gasquet is happy to let his father, the
king, choose his bride for him until he meets Monica Latimer.
Monica Latimer is not prepared to risk letting any
man close enough to learn about her Gift. A gift that normally has men running
for the hills when they find out about it.
EXCERPT “From Now Until Forever”:
Liam Fitzwilliam
Gasquet stared in amazement at the blooming patch of red milliseconds before
the pain exploded in his arm. Some trigger-happy idiot had fired in his
direction. Indignation didn’t have time to take root before another bullet
kicked the dust at his feet.
Not ‘trigger-happy’.
Not ‘trigger-happy’.
The rebels had found the fourth and youngest son of Jean-Phillipe Gasquet, ruler of the tiny kingdom adjacent to the Swiss border. When had they discovered his whereabouts?
With a reluctant sigh, he faced the truth of it. They hadn’t ‘found’ him at all. They’d followed him.
EXCERPT “His Chosen Bride”:
lost track of time until the flames caught her attention once more. They
flickered from orange to gold, to silver, to white.
flurry of snowflakes masked the flames and for a second Monica watched the most
beautiful, pristine snow-scene she’d ever seen. Her lips curved in longing. How
she’d love to get a toboggan and slide down that slope. She knew where it was,
and had done just that many times in her childhood, first with her parents and
then, in clandestine manner, with her brother. Sneaking an old tin tray from
the back of her mother’s walk-in pantry, she’d then grabbed Billy’s hand and
they’d rushed out the back gate, heading for the lakeside track that led up
into the hills.
dense and thick with grief dropped over the scene.
and disconcerted by the strength of emotion emanating from the vision Monica
shifted to her knees, ready to stand, when a voice, a deep male voice, sharp
with fear called out her name.
knew she’d never heard the voice before, and yet—it was as familiar to her as
the image she saw in her mirror each morning.
me, Monica.”
for more clues, she searched the darkness within the flames until it sputtered
and faded. With a curse she jumped up and ran for the phone. With her
outstretched hand hovering over it she halted and let her hand drop to her side
once more. What could she say? What would the police or rescue team think of
her if she called them and told them she’d seen a vision of a man in distress?
laugh in her face and classify her as a lunatic. Well, maybe not. It wouldn’t
be the first time she’d contacted them with positive information but
something—an instinctive gut reaction told her what she’d seen this time hadn’t
happened yet.

from writing, Sherry enjoys gardening, walking, reading and cheerfully admits
her books tend to take over most of the shelf and floor space in her
workroom-cum-office. She also finds crystal craft work therapeutic.
Sherry will giving away the following
* One randomly drawn commenter at every
stop will win a hand-crafted book thong.
* One randomly drawn commenter during
the tour will win a hand-crafted selenite pendent
* The host with the most comments
(excluding Sherry's and the host's) will win a hand-crafted selenite pendent
Note: This giveaway is
Please follow the tour and comment to increase your chances of winning.
The tour dates can be found here:
Links for “From Now Until Forever”:
Links for “His Chosen Bride”:
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