Friday, April 8, 2011

Almost there

 Hello friends,

I'm so proud of myself.  I'm knackered right now because I went to bed at 2am but it doesn't matter. I finally managed to complete the ending to Chocolate Aftertaste. I've rewritten it so many times, but I'm finally there, finally happy. I've also reached the targeted word count for my novel. My next steps are to edit the scenes I have rewritten and then rewrite the dreaded query letter and synopsis. I plan to sent out some queries by my birthday in June.

I hope you're all on track with your own writing. If not (even if you are, actually), here are some tips:

Time management

Crashing writers' block

Happy writing.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nice to be back

It's nice to go away and come back to find that someone missed you. One of my blog friends, Akoss noticed I was away for a while. It was so sweet of him to check up on me. I was Africa (My home country, Namibia) for a couple of weeks celebrating my traditional wedding. It was all amazing (A fairytale village wedding) but I was a bit sad that I neglected my blog. I'm back, though and I have missed not only novel-moments, but also my followers.

While I was away, Akoss popped by to give me an award, the one award I had been waiting so patiently for. The One Lovely Blog Award. I love how sweet and "rosey" that award looks. It reminds of all things nice.
Thank you so much Akoss, this was a very touching welcome back gift. I appreciate it.
Those of you who don't know Akoss, please drop by to say hello. She's one of my most cherished blog friends.

Now I would like to pass this award to five of my blog friends that I think deserve it(Some of my friends already have one):
Carrie from: carriekeepstyping
Stacy from: A Writer's point of view
Zella Kate from: Zella Kate
Elena from: You're Write. Except when you're Rong
Aine Tierney from: Aine Tierney